18 mai 2016
World Dog Show in Moscow 23-26 June 2016 (follow up)
FCI consultancy committee meets RKF representatives in Brussels on May 13 2016
According to our previous release dated April 28 2016, the FCI consultancy committee, officially appointed by the FCI General Committee, started its important work of supervision of the preparation of the World Dog Show 2016. This group is made up of the following members: Mr Kari Järvinen, Mr Stefan Stefik, Mr Pavel Karikoff and Mr Attila Márton, accompanied by the FCI Executive Director, Mr Yves De Clercq.
An important meeting took place last week in Brussels between the group (Mr K. Järvinen was unable to attend) and representatives of the Russian Kynological Federation (RKF): Mr Inshakov, Mr Yerusalimsky and Mr Leshchenko.
The main objective was to take a deeper look at the status of the preparation of the World Dog Show 2016. A thorough review of all the aspects of the preparation was conducted with satisfactory results. Besides, the official consultancy committee offered its recommendations and help in any area of the organisation. The FCI consultancy committee will get a weekly feedback on the work achieved to ensure an efficient and satisfying World Dog Show for all exhibitors, judges, guests and visitors.

Yves De Clercq
FCI Executive Director