28 avril 2022
FCI and Kennel Club (KC) review and agree mutual recognition of dog show judges
The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and Kennel Club (KC) have agreed a revised version of the current agreement for the mutual recognition of dog show judges, with effect from 1 May 2022.
The current agreement which will come to an end at the beginning of May this year had been in place for five years and was considered to have been a success in recognising the experience of judges approved under each governing body.
Both FCI and Kennel Club representatives proposed slight amendments to the current agreement, based on their experience of the approval route for CACIB and championship judges, taking account of lessons learnt.
The new contract will be of an open-ended duration, with the ability for either side to end the agreement or request amendments giving a six-month notice period.
Any queries should be directed to
For the FCI
Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director