28 avril 2023
The FCI Americas and Caribbean Section has a new President
The FCI Office informs that following the General Assembly of the FCI Americas and Caribbean (A&C) Section held on 27 April 2023 in Montevideo (UY), a new President, Mr Adrian Landarte (UY), has been elected for a 4-year mandate.
Mr Landarte will therefore, from now on, sit on the FCI General Committee.
The FCI General Committee and its President, Dr Jakkel, want to congratulate Mr Landarte for this prestigious election. We are all convinced that Mr Landarte’s expertise, know-how, sense of diplomacy and open-mindedness will definitely be an asset for the General Committee and the FCI as a whole, and we all look forward to cooperating with him.
We seize the opportunity to thank Doctor José Luis Payró (MX) (former President of the FCI A&C Section and former sitting member in the FCI General Committee) and underline his tireless and continued engagement and efforts in favour of the welfare and health of pedigree dogs and many other causes too.
It has been a pleasure and honour to cooperate with Dr Payró all these years and we are convinced that the end of his mandate does not mean the end of our collaboration.
Welcome to Adrian and thanks to José Luis!
On behalf of the FCI General Committee
Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director
Jose Luis PAYRÓ (MX) |
Adrian LANDARTE (UY) |