27. November 2023
Bulgarian affiliation with the FCI
Frohe Festtage
In Memoriam Dra Ana Eugenia Vázquez Liévano
In Memoriam José Luiz Vasconcelos
Frohe Festtage
Bulgarian affiliation with the FCI
Press Release: GA 2023
In Memoriam Dr. Sérgio Meira Lopes de Castro
In Memoriam Andrzej Mania
FCI A&C Section's new President
In Memoriam Jean-Paul Petitdidier
Frohe Festtage
In Memoriam Dan Ericsson
In Memoriam András Korózs
In Memoriam Hans Müller
In Memoriam Rafael de Santiago
Cooperation Agreement FCI - WCF
Press Release: GA 2022
FCI Presidential Interview 2022
FCI/KC: mutual recognition of dog show judges
Solidarity with Ukraine: one million thanks to all!
Solidarity with Ukraine (follow up)
Ukrainian breeders
Solidarity with Ukraine
Invasion of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation
In memoriam Ronald H. Menaker
Situation in Bulgarien (Follow-up)
Bulldogs (English) (149) and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (136)
In memoriam Dr. Kelemen Atilla-Béla-László
Frohe Weihnachten
Bulgarian breeders
Bulgarian breeders
In memoriam Eugene Yerusalimsky
In memoriam Greg Eva
FCI-Ausschuss für Wohlergehen und Gesundheit von Hunden
Brachycephalic breeds' health (agreement)
Decease Dr Göran Bodegård
Hollandse Herdershond (223)
Schreiben der FCI an den Kennel Club (UK)
Dogo Canario (346)
CACIB (Luxemburg)
International Dog Show in Luxemburg
Finanzieller Beitrag der FCI für IPFD
Decease Steve Gladstone
WGRF (follow up)
Tod von Herrn Christian Eymar-Dauphin, Präsidenten der SCC
Decease Gert Christensen
WGRF (follow up)
Tod von Loureiro Borges
Thailand: Tod des Königs
New President of JKC
World Dog Show 2016 (follow up)
CKU campaigns against Yulin Festival
World Dog Show 2016 (follow up)
WGRF (follow up)
Welthundeausstellung 2016
Decease Uwe Fischer
Decease Enrique Filippini
FCI trifft CKU in Manila (PH)
Yulin Festival (China) (follow up)
WGRF (erste Sitzung)
Neue Standards für italienische Rassen
Dobermann: abgeänderter Standard
Neu auf der Homepage der FCI:
Yulin Festival (China)
Von der FCI endgültig anerkannte Rassen, Juni 2015
Neue Vollmitglieder der FCI, Juni 2015
Neues assoziiertes Mitglieder der FCI, Juni 2015
Neuer Vertragspartner der FCI, Juni 2015
FCI Asia-Pacific General Assembly, 2015
Neuer Vertragspartner
The FCI General Committee members express their deep sadness
Versammlung des FCI-Vorstands - Cancun, 9.-10. April, 2014
Mr Bernhard Meyer, CEO of the VDH, passed away
Meeting of the FCI General Committee in Helsinki - 29-30 October, 2013
News from the FCI headquarters
Neuer Präsident der FCI-Sektion Asien und Pazifik
Verabschiedung des Anti-Homosexuellengesetzes in Russland
Following its meeting held on November 1st, 2023, the FCI General Committee finally resolved the issue of the Bulgarian (re)-affiliation with the FCI.
From now on, the Bulgarian National Cynlogical Federation (BNFC) is admitted as an FCI Contract Partner, for a 5-year period.
We invite all owners and breeders, from Bulgaria and abroad, to contact BNFC (
in case of questions related to pedigrees for Bulgaria-born dogs.
The FCI target is to preserve the high-quality gene pool of the Bulgarian dogs and enabling the work of the skilled Bulgarian breeders to be again acknowledged worldwide.
Y. De Clercq
FCJ Executive Director