31 de mayo de 2016
World Dog Show in Moscow 23-26 June 2016 (follow up)
As a follow-up to the meeting held on Friday 13 May, 2016 at the Sheraton Hotel in Brussels, the RKF and two members of the official FCI Consultancy Team (S.Stefik, official FCI Observer and Y.De Clercq, FCI Executive Director) met again on 25 May, 2016 at the RKF headquarters in Moscow.

From left to right : S.Stefik, FCI official Observer - Y.De Clercq, FCI Executive Director – I.Senokosenko, RKF Executive Director – E.Leshchenko, RKF, Deputy Executive Director for Foreign Affairs.
All the issues and organisational matters discussed a couple of days ago in Brussels were again reviewed and the FCI Consultancy Team put lots of extra questions about entries, halls, PR, PA system, traffic, parking, security, judges, etc. Most of them were answered. The working session was followed by an official Press Conference which was attended by approximately 15 to 20 journalists, RKF and FCI officials. RKF will keep working on some last points for the next 3 weeks in order to be able to offer a top-quality event to the exhibitors, judges, visitors, staff and guests. The Consultancy Team has reiterated its offer to assist any time if necessary.

From left to right : Alexey Belkin, RKF Board member - Evgenij Erusalimski, RKF President's advisor - Elena Arikova, Senior Deputy Executive Director - Alexandr Inshakov, RKF President - S.Stefik, Official FCI observer - Y.De Clercq, FCI Executive Director - Oleg Yanchev, RKF Board member.
Yves De Clercq
FCI Executive Director