12 de agosto de 2021
Important communication for the attention of Bulgarian breeders

Dear Bulgarian breeders
It is surely not usual that the FCI Head Office turns to the breeders, directly. However, the uncertainty about the current and future situation of our Bulgarian member, the Bulgarian Republican Federation of Cynology (BRFC), makes it essential to do so.
Following a decision of the FCI General Committee (27 July 2021), please be aware that the following FCI full members (NCOs) are ready and willing to help you register your dogs (pedigrees and export pedigrees):
The FCI priority is and remains the breeders and their passionate work!
As a breeder, you are allowed to turn to the NCO that suits you best.
For any practical questions, please turn to the NCO that will register your dog.
For the FCI General Committee
Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director