20 de octubre de 2021

THE FCI PODCAST (2): Inside the FCI: The FCI Executive Director


There has always been a fair amount of assumptions made about the largest global organisation for
Pedigree Dogs, so this series of the FCI Podcast Channel titled “Inside the FCI” aims to shed light
and dispel assumptions about this international organisation that stands for Pedigree Dogs Worldwide!

The first episode goes straight to the epicentre of the FCI, with an interview with Mr Yves de Clercq, its Executive Director, finding out more about the workings of the FCI HQ in Thuin, Belgium, his role and that of the permanent staff.

Gopi Krishnan delves deep to get Mr. de Clercq’s views on the organisation, looking at its past, present and plans for the future, to truly understand the nerve centre and to give a clearer and in-depth view on the FCI.

Anchor channel  Spotify YouTube