February 5, 2016
FCI Shows and Show Judges Commissions, Cebu (PH), 2016
On 30-31 January, 2016, the FCI Shows and Show Judges Commissions met, first separately, then jointly. The meetings took place in Cebu (Philippines), in the framework of an international dog show organised there and one week after the « Philippine Circuit » in Manila.
About thirty countries were represented, by 1 or 2 delegates. Many points and proposals from the member countries and the FCI General Committee were discussed.
Elections of the Board of the FCI Shows Commission
B. Müller (CH) : President
L. Catalan (PT) : Vice-president
R. Natividad (PH) : Secretary

L. Catalan (PT), B. Müller (CH), R. de Santiago (PR), R. Natividad (PH)

L. Catalan (PT), B. Müller (CH), R. Natividad (PH)
Elections of the Board of the FCI Judges Commission
J. Wauben (NL) : President
A. Landarte (UY) : Vice-president
A-M Class (FR) : Secretary

J. Wauben (NL), A-M. Class (FR), A. Landarte (UR)