27. September 2019
LETZTE NEUIGKEITEN: Offizielle Erklärung und Entscheidungen über die Lage in Norwegen durch den NKK am 27.09.2019


The Board of the Norwegian Kennel Club has today decided to reverse the previous decisions on cancellation of shows, trials and activities with immediate effect. Norwegian national teams may again attend FCI Championships. The Board’s former recommendation to our members about not attending official activities with dogs abroad, is also reversed.
Due to the situation in Norway, some FCI member countries decided to not allow dogs from Norway to attend shows and trails etc. The Norwegian Kennel Club kindly asks that these decisions are reversed as soon as possible.
The NKK Nordic Show in Harstad 4-5. October and DOGS4ALL (International and Nordic Show) in Lillestrøm/Oslo in November will go ahead as planned. Other shows and trails organized by our national clubs will also be held as planned starting next week. Some activities and trails will be held this weekend as previous announced by the organizer.
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority lifted the general advice about avoiding gathering of dogs and limiting contact between dogs on Thursday September 26.
The Veterinary Institute's investigations have shown that the disease with bloody diarrhoea is not likely to spread easily between dogs. It is now clear that the number of diseased dogs is declining. It is also clear that not all cases of illness are linked to each other.
For more detailed information, please visit our web page https://www.nkk.no/serious-illness-in-dogs/update-serious-illness-in-dogs-article160264-1347.html or visit The Norwegian Food Safety Authority https://www.mattilsynet.no/language/english/serious_illness_in_dogs.36035