30. April 2019
2019 General Assembly in Shanghai: PRESS RELEASE

Further to the elections held during the FCI General Assembly Meeting in Shanghai, the results are as follows:
Election of the FCI General Committee members
Mr M.A. MARTÍNEZ (AR), Mr R. DE SANTIAGO (PR) and Mrs B. MÜLLER (CH) have been elected members of the FCI General Committee, for a four-year term.
Election of the FCI President
Mr TAMAS JAKKEL has been elected President of the FCI for a two-year term.
Election of the FCI commissions
Standards Commission
Mr J. NALLEM (UY), Mr R. OLIVEIRA (PT) and Mr P. MUNTEAN (RO) have been elected members of the FCI Standards Commission.
Scientific Commission
Dr K. SAINIO (FI), Mr G. LEROY (FR) and Mr N. LEMO (HR) have been elected members, of the FCI Scientific Commission.
Disciplinary and Arbitration Commission
Mr C.G. GROSSO (IT) has been elected President, and Mr N.P. FRASCINO (AR), Mrs H. TONKSON-Koit (EE), Mr C. STEFANESCU (RO) and Mrs I.B. de CIABATTI (PE) have been elected members, respectively, of the FCI Disciplinary and Arbitration Commission for a four-year term.
Election of the Auditor and his substitute
Mr J. HERNÁNDEZ (ES) has been elected Auditor and D. MUTO (IT) has been elected Substitute Auditor, respectively, of the FCI for a two-year term.
Proposal of the FCI General Committee for the title of FCI Honorary President or Member
Mr KARI JÄRVINEN is, from April 29th, 2019 an FCI Honorary Member.
Membership applications
The following country is now an FCI Full member:
Bolivia (Kennel Club Boliviano)
The following countries are now FCI Associate members:
Egypt (Egyptian Kennel Federation)
Kosovo (Federata Kinologjike e Kosovës)
Main decisions
Further to the proposals of the FCI General Committee:
the amendment to the FCI Standing Orders (Art.26.9 - Art.26.10 - Art.26-11) has been approved;
the creation of a new FCI non-mandatory Commission for Mondioring has been approved;
the creation of a new FCI non-mandatory Commission FCI Youth has been approved.
Further to the proposals of the FCI mandatory Commissions (Standards and Scientific):
the Dansk-Svensk Gardshund (Danish-Swedish Farmdog - 356) has been granted definitive recognition and is immediately eligible for the CACIB;
the Ciobanesc Romanesc de Bucovina (Romanian Bucovina Shepherd - 357) has been granted definitive recognition and is immediately eligible for the CACIB;
the amended FCI procedure for the international recognition of a new breed (provisional & definitive) has been been approved.
Further to the Lithuanian NCO’s proposal, the creation of a new FCI non-mandatory Commission for Education and Public Relations has been approved.
World dog shows
The FCI World Dog Show and General Assembly 2023 (with General Assembly) will be held in Switzerland (CH), Geneva, 24-27 August.
The FCI World Dog Show 2024 (without General Assembly) will be held in Ukraine (UA), Kyiv, 27-30 April.
During the meeting of the FCI General Committee held on April 29th, right after the FCI General Assembly meeting, the FCI Executive Committee under Dr Tamas Jakkel, FCI President elected on April 28th, has been composed as follows:
FCI Vice-president: Gerard Jipping
FCI Treasurer: Barbara Müller
Tamas Jakkel
President of the FCI