20 décembre 2016
Judges are revealed for Eukanuba World Challenge 2017
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THE JUDGES have been revealed for the Eukanuba World Challenge which will take place during Crufts 2017.
The 10th anniversary of the prestigious worldwide competition takes place during Crufts, on the first two days of the show, the 9th and 10th March at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.
The event, supported by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and the UK’s Kennel Club, is made up of more than 30 top dogs from across five continents. Competitors qualify either by being their national kennel club’s representative or by winning best in show at a major dog show such as Crufts, the World Dog Show or the European Dog Show. Further competitors have been granted a place in the final by winning through from a qualifying event at the Split Summer Shows in Croatia.
The FCI is the largest canine organisation in the world and includes 91 members and recognises 344 breeds. The FCI has been a partner of Eukanuba for 10 years and has been an invaluable supporter of the Eukanuba World Challenge since the competition began in 2006.
The FCI’s President, Rafael De Santiago, said: “This fantastic competition is a huge opportunity to showcase some of the world’s top dogs. The FCI continues to be a huge supporter of this prestigious event and I am immensely proud to have seen it grow from its humble beginnings in Orlando to celebrating a special 10th anniversary at one of the world’s top dog shows.
“I appreciate there is a huge amount of time, dedication and effort that goes into putting on this event and the attention to detail is second to none. We are very proud to be supporting it once again and look forward to meeting this year’s competitors at Crufts.”
The three section (semi-final) judges for the Eukanuba World Challenge have been revealed as Liz Cartledge (UK), Carmen Navarro (Spain) and Jean-Jacques Dupas (France). Laurent Pichard (Switzerland) will have the honour of judging the grand final of the competition.
Liz Cartledge is one of the world’s leading all breed judges. In the UK, she awards Challenge Certificates (CCs) in more than 100 breeds and had the pleasure of judging best in show at Crufts in 1999. She has judged in almost every part of the world including memorable appointments at the Sydney Royal, Santa Barbara and Westminster. Her first breed was Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) having had the breed since her early teens. She introduced the Swedish Vallhund to the UK in the 1970’s, was one of the first importers of Japanese Spitz, and bred and showed Norfolk Terriers successfully (six UK champions) also in the 70’s. She later fell under the spell of Lancashire Heelers and the latest addition to her household is a French Bulldog.
Mrs Cartledge said: "Having judged at Crufts several times in the past I feel comfortable being on home soil so to speak. And to be part of this new venture of the Eukanuba World Challenge coming to Crufts for the first time, celebrating its 10th anniversary, is truly special, a great honour for me and something I am very excited about.
“I am greatly looking forward to assessing some of the world's top show dogs, many who will have travelled long distances to participate in this unique and glamorous event."
Carmen Navarro is the very first female all round breed judge in the history of the Spanish Kennel Club. She is a hugely successful breeder and exhibitor of Samoyeds, American Akitas, Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies.
She is also a specialist judge of the Nordic races and has been involved in the dog show world for more than 30 years.
Together with her husband, dogs they have owned or bred have won over 270 championship titles including International and World Champions and best in show winners in different continents of Europe and America.
Mrs Navarro said: “I have to say that it is a great honour for me to be invited to judge one of the sections of the Eukanuba Word Challenge.
“I am very proud to be part of this prestigious, glamorous and great event. I know that behind every dog that is judged, there will be a lot of work. I am aware of this and the fact of competing in the Eukanuba World Challenge is already a triumph for each of the dogs that will compete.
“It will be a wonderful experience for me that I will enjoy!”
Jean-Jacques Dupas is an international all breed judge from France. He has judged all over the world and he has been involved in many breeds including Afghans, Berger des Pyrenees and Shih Tzus and has shown extensively across Europe.
He has held many positions of importance in the French show world, such as Secretary of French Kennel Club in Paris; President of Club St Hubert du Nord (Kennel Club for the north of France); President of the Club du Caniche de France; Committee Member of Club Francais De L'eurasier; President of the Afghan and Saluki French Club; President of the Greyhound French Club; Secretary of the Pyrenean Shepherd Dog and Pyrenean Mountain Dog French Club
Mr Dupas said: “For me it's a great honour to judge the 10th Eukanuba World Challenge at Crufts in March.
“It was a great surprise when I have received the invitation from the Eukanuba Chairman.
“I'm looking forward to judging some very nice dogs from several countries and I'll try to do my best during my judgements.”
Judging the ‘best of the best final’ at the Eukanuba World Challenge at Crufts 2017 will be Laurent Pichard from Switzerland.
He has been involved in dog showing from an early age starting with Irish Setters. After studying in the UK, he returned to Switzerland with four American Cocker Spaniels. His “Very Vigie” kennel of American Cockers have enjoyed huge success and has made up champions all around the world for himself and other owners.
He judges almost every weekend and has officiated in almost every continent in the world.
Mr Pichard said: “I am hugely honoured to judge this amazing event. I am very familiar with the event having bred two dogs to win the Eukanuba World Challenge finals twice, once in 2007 with Very Vigie Vamos à la Playa and last year with Very Vigie I Don’t Know.
“It really means a lot to me to be judging this fantastic event, Eukanuba put on an incredible event and to be judging the finals – is truly going to be a wonderful experience.”
Media contacts
Jose Luis Ibanez |
Roxane Daunt |
EWC Show Chairman |
Eukanuba Events |
Marie Luna Duran |
Sara Wilde |
FCI Marketing and Public Relations Manager |
Senior Communications Manager, the Kennel Club |
About Eukanuba World Challenge
Supported by the world’s leading canine organizations, ‘Federation Cynologique Internationale’ (FCI) and ‘The Kennel Club’ (UK), the ‘Eukanuba World Challenge’ is a unique competition designed to bring together the top winning dogs from around the world and celebrate the magnificence of pure breed dogs. Participating dogs are nominated by their national Kennel Clubs or qualified at some of the world’s most prestigious shows, and compete for the highly coveted title ‘Eukanuba World Challenge Champion’ and a EUR 7,500 prize. For more information, visit www.facebook.com/EukanubaWorldChallenge