Statistics: Ukrainian Kennel Union (UKRAINE)

PUPPIES registered with the studbook and the appendix19,72019,52717,53513,69831,27736,02735,30634,00425,52525,769
LITTERS registered with the studbook and the appendix7,7907,5796,8065,3176,8968,0907,8547,6265,1456,212
CAC ALL-BREED SHOWS737171868160434520
CACIB ALL-BREED SHOWS373935264349384620
FCI (breed, group, all-breed) JUDGES869711112014917922048183183
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (people)164,515172,031179,744186,242244,939260,329275,179290,832299,137289,454
member (breed, regional, sporting, etc.) CLUBS1271282828303233363636
PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED WITH THE STUDBOOK20,87220,65920,85417,19233,06437,44336,32235,25026,48426,082
TOTAL number of PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED WITH THE STUDBOOK since its creation179,714200,373238,419238,419254,951292,394328,716360,326372,658388,740
Approximate TOTAL number of DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT)0000
Approximate TOTAL number of DOG OWNERS (PURE-BRED OR NOT)0000

N.B.:  The data have been collected from the national canine organisations member of the FCI. Blank cells in the table mean either no answer from the national canine organisation member of the FCI or data not available.