Judges directory

Personal data



National Canine Organization in charge

Kennel Club of Greece (GREECE)

Country of legal residence



FCI language(s) spoken by the judge

Other language(s) spoken by the judge

Authorizations (Disciplines)

Disciplines 1st authorization as a judge Curriculum vitae
Shows 05-10-2016

Suspensions (Disciplines)

Suspensions Starting date End date Status Level

Authorizations (Shows)

1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs) -
2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs -
3 - Terriers -
4 - Dachshunds -
5 - Spitz and primitive types -
6 - Scent hounds and related breeds -
7 - Pointing Dogs -
8 - Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs -
9 - Companion and Toy Dogs -
10 - Sighthounds -