Judges directory

Personal data

POTI S. (FI145)


National Canine Organization in charge

Suomen Kennelliitto - Finska Kennelklubben (FINLAND)

Country of legal residence



FCI language(s) spoken by the judge

Other language(s) spoken by the judge


Authorizations (Disciplines)

Disciplines 1st authorization as a judge Curriculum vitae
Shows 10-08-1993

Suspensions (Disciplines)

Suspensions Starting date End date Status Level

Authorizations (Shows)

1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs (except Swiss Cattledogs) -
2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs -
3 - Terriers -
4 - Dachshunds -
5 - Spitz and primitive types -
6 - Scent hounds and related breeds -
7 - Pointing Dogs -
8 - Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs -
9 - Companion and Toy Dogs -
10 - Sighthounds -