18. Januar 2022
FCI PODCAST (10): Inside the FCI: The FCI Commission for Dog Dancing

In this episode, Gopi Krishnan speaks with Emmy Simonsen, the President of the FCI Dog Dancing Commission,
who pioneers this fairly new FCI sport that seems to be gaining much global popularity and support.
There has always been a fair amount of assumptions made about the largest global organisation for Pedigree Dogs,
so this series of the FCI Podcast Channel titled “Inside the FCI” aims to shed light and dispel assumptions about this international organisation that stands For Pedigree Dogs Worldwide!
Comprising of ninety-eight member countries globally, the FCI is the largest global organisation for Pedigree Dogs
covering almost every area of interest with dogs from conformation dog shows to dog sports and hunting trials.
But to keep such a large organisation working effectively will take a mountain of people to be involved in each area of specialist interest.
In the FCI, these committees or groups are known as FCI Commissions.
They comprise of volunteers from that particular area or expertise or field who dedicate their time and efforts to
ensuring that their respective areas of interest are served with the sole aim being for the benefit of pedigree dogs.