Statistics: Asociación Canófila Salvadoreña (EL SALVADOR)

PUPPIES registered with the studbook and the appendix9911,0431,1081,1481,2081,2761,3461,4111,4801,560
LITTERS registered with the studbook and the appendix331246263279296314332351366386
CAC ALL-BREED SHOWS1717171717176161218
FCI (breed, group, all-breed) JUDGES5555555554
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (people)8997107117125136136144150158
member (breed, regional, sporting, etc.) CLUBS4444444444
PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED WITH THE STUDBOOK9911,0431,1081,1481,2081,2761,3461,4111,4801,560
TOTAL number of PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED WITH THE STUDBOOK since its creation22,00823,05124,15925,30726,51527,79129,13730,54832,02833,588
Approximate TOTAL number of DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT)300,487301,530302,638303,786304,994306,270307,616309,027310,507312,067
Approximate TOTAL number of DOG OWNERS (PURE-BRED OR NOT)185,602186,242186,892187,532188,162188,762189,382189,882190,382190,850

N.B.:  The data have been collected from the national canine organisations member of the FCI. Blank cells in the table mean either no answer from the national canine organisation member of the FCI or data not available.