Statistics: Asociación Canófila Guatemalteca (GUATEMALA)

PUPPIES registered with the studbook and the appendix3,6813,3263,2563,3013,2023,5843,122
LITTERS registered with the studbook and the appendix920884919928902984911
CAC ALL-BREED SHOWS0162020202026
FCI (breed, group, all-breed) JUDGES25557614
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS (people)5,5005,5146,0157,0257,6369,07810,714
member (breed, regional, sporting, etc.) CLUBS7367663
PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED WITH THE STUDBOOK3,7183,3713,3063,3663,2843,6713,295
TOTAL number of PURE-BRED DOGS REGISTERED WITH THE STUDBOOK since its creation55,97759,30462,56169,38772,58979,43786,287
Approximate TOTAL number of DOGS (PURE-BRED OR NOT)
Approximate TOTAL number of DOG OWNERS (PURE-BRED OR NOT)

N.B.:  The data have been collected from the national canine organisations member of the FCI. Blank cells in the table mean either no answer from the national canine organisation member of the FCI or data not available.