27 avril 2021

Launch of our Mobile App: FCI Breeds Nomenclature

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Dear FCI Members and Contract Partners,
Dear FCI judges & breeders,
Dear exhibitors & dog lovers,
Dear all,

It is with pride and great excitement that we inform you about the launch of our Mobile App 

FCI Breeds Nomenclature
- including all FCI breed standards in force in the 4 FCI official working languages (English, French, German and Spanish)- 

Now available for free on App Store and Google Play 
or through the following links:

apps.apple.com/us/app/nomenclature-app/id1546653217#?platform=iphone (App Store)
play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.fci.mobile.NomenclatureApp (Google Play)

Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director