18 mars 2024

Cancellation of 2024 FCI World Lure Coursing Championship

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Dear FCI Members and Contract Partners
Dear all, 

The FCI, the FCI Commission for Sighthound Sport (CSS) and the Zwiazek Kynologiczny w Polsce (ZKwP) (Polish Kennel Club) are sorry to inform you that the 2024 FCI World Lure Coursing Championship, scheduled to take place in Przywidz (PL) from May 23 to 26, 2024 has been cancelled for practical organisational reasons (substantial problems arose with the landowner of the WC venue, despite the agreements that were signed).

These problems were such that the organisers, the Warsaw branch of the ZKwP, had to look for another location but it unfortunately turned out unsuccessful.

We apologise for having to make such a decision, the reasons of which are beyond our control.

For any question, we please ask you to turn to ZKwP.

Best regards


Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director